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Murdock Elementary School
Welcome to Murdock!

Welcome to Murdock Elementary School!

Boys at desk

We collaborate so we can all be successful. 

Students with teacher
Small Group Learning

Teachers have the opportunity to work with students in small groups.

Girl with teacher
Working Together

Students and teachers work together to be successful. 

Girl at desk
Independent Learning

We want each student to learn at their own pace.

Snowmen artwork
We Value Artistic Expression

We love to share our ideas through our artwork, which lines the hallways. 

Girl with iPad
One-to-One Device School

All Murdock students have their own iPads.

Boys in music class
Music and Rhythm

Music class incorporates rhythm and movement. 

Smiling Boy
A Happy School

At Murdock, we want everyone to learn in the way that is best for them. 

School and District News

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